Otonom Teknoloji’s Aerostat System, “Dolunay” successfully performed its test flights. Using lighter-than-air technology, Dolunay can carry a wide range of different payloads and stands out with its fast deployment and ease-of-use.
The successful test flights of the system took place in March and April during which the flight altitudes have been gradually up to 500 m. Dolunay was observed to be stable against the wind which directly affects the payload performance. Due to this high performing platform stability, it is possible to get better functional results of the payloads at high altitudes.
Similar compact and modular aerostat systems are employed worldwide in areas such as border surveillance, ISR missions and critical infrastracture security.
Nezir Ertürk, Otonom Teknoloji General Manager, said “Dolunay can carry payloads upto 20kg at altitudes of 500m above ground level and has a 7-day endurance, which allows a wide variety of missions”. The aerostat can carry several different payloads such as electro-optic cameras, communication relay devices, GPS, AIS trackers, compact radar systems and many more.
Otonom Teknoloji applies product line methodology to meet end-user needs for various sizes and forms. Thus, it is possible to rapidly develop cost effective and appropriate aerostats for different payload weight and operational altitude requirements.
The aerostat system can be employed in a significant number of missions where manned or unmanned air vehicles cannot be used or are used at their high costs such as:
Among Otonom Teknoloji’s other projects are the “Solar-powered autonomous airship platform, TepeGöz”, “Aerostat System, Doruk”, JAUS (Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems) compliant “Electronic Control unit, MiniSteer” and “Ground Control Station” which are easily re-programmable and therefore can be used for many types of unmanned and autonomous systems.